Thursday, June 18, 2009

Madeline is 13 months old!

Madeline is 13 months old!

She has 6 (almost 8) teeth. She bites when she's over-tired. So far, she only bites Mommy and Daddy.

She vigorously shakes her head no -- and knows what it means!

She says Maaa to me, and Daa to Jon. She also says Da to pictures of dogs in books. The other day we think she said iPod. Lots of babbling and shreiking in general. She giggles, laughs and says a lot of things that we're not quite sure what she means.

She still gives a hearty round of applause for a good diaper change, meal or song at church.

She leans in and gives real hugs.

She is no longer the youngest baby at daycare. She was jealous of the new baby and cried and pulled at the sitter's leg when she was giving the new baby a bottle instead of her.

She really likes to play with diapers. I let her take one in the tub the other day. See how absorbant it is!

1 comment:

Calla Elizabeth Cornelius said...

You look so precious in your big-girl chair, Maddie! Thanks for posting a picture of it to the blog.

Love you!
Aunt Beef, Uncle Todd and Calla

P.S. Can you say mooooooo yet?