Sunday, March 9, 2008

27 Weeks

Here we are at 27 weeks already! I can't believe it!

What's going on with the baby, according to Toughening up her immune system, with help from your antibodies.

Top 10 things going on here on the outside, according to me:

10) Started calling around to Pediatricians -- got on the schedule for a new parent orientation.
9) Got back on track with going to the gym -- a new, larger sportsbra was a big help in making that happen.
8) Saw my OB/GYN at Mass -- actually almost knocked her over when I was running outside to the ladies' room after communion. She understood. :)
7) Ordered some thank you notes so I can start being considerate of all the lovely gifts people are sending the baby.
6) Found out Fr. Shea is leaving Holy Trinity to take a Jesuit post as head something of Maryland. Have to get baby’s Baptism on his schedule before he leaves!
5) Checked out some videos and books from the library about birth and being a working mom.
4) Made room for baby -- donated 60 books and other miscelaneous items to Tossed & Found, the Junior League's annual rummage sale.
3) Discovered The Wiggle Room, a baby/maternity consignment store in Bethesda. Got a glider for 88% off!
2) Found pictures of a very cute baby on my computer at work – guess who it is!?!
1) Received an AMAZING box of baby clothes from Aunt Teri!

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